Page 97 - Handbuch HR-Management
P. 97
Kapitel 2.8 / Evidence-based Management
(1) Allen, D. G.; Philip, C. B. und Vardaman, J. M (2010): Re- taining Talent: Replacing Misconceptions with Evidence-based Strategies, Academy of Management Perspectives, Bd. 24 ( 2), S. 48-64.
(2) De Angelis, T. (2005): Shaping evidence-based practice. APA Monitor, 3, S. 26-31.
(3) Ducan, W. J. (1974): Transferring management theory to practice. Academy of Management Journal, Bd. 17 ( 4), S. 724-738.
(4) Dye, K.; Mills, A. J. und Weatherbee, T. W. (2005): Maslow: Man interrupted: reaging management theory in context. Ma- nagement Decision, Bd. 34 (10), S. 1375-1395.
(5) Felfe, J. (Hrsg.) (2015): Trends der psychologischen Führungs- forschung: Neue Konzepte, Methoden und Erkenntnisse. Göt- tingen: Hogrefe.
(6) Hodgkinson, G. P.; Rousseau, D. M. (2009): Bridging the Ri- gour-Relevance Gap in Management Research: It‘s Already Happening! Journal of Management Studies, Bd. 46 (3), S. 534-546.
(7) Hossiep, R.; Paschen, M. und Mühlhaus, O. (2000): Persön- lichkeitstests im Personalmanagement. Göttingen: Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie.
(8) Huselid, M. A. (1995): e impact of human resource manage- ment practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate nan- cial performance. Academy of Management Journal, Bd. 38 ( 3), S. 635-672.
(9) Huselid, M. A.; Jackson, S. E. und Schuler, R. S. (1997): Tech- nical and strategic human resource management e ectiveness as determinant of rm performance. Academy of Management Journal, Bd. 40 ( 1), S. 171-188.
(10) Latham, G. P. (2007): A speculative perspective on the trans- fer of behavioral science ndings to the workplace:“ e Times ey are A-Changin.“ Academy of Management Journal, Bd. 50 ( 5), S. 1027-1032.
(11) Lemieux-Charles, L. und Champagne, F. (2004): Using know- ledge and evidence in healthcare: Multidisciplinary perspecti- ves. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
(12) Lowry, R. J. (Hrsg.) (1979): e Journals of A. H. Maslow, Bd. 1, Monterey CA.: Brooks/Cole Publishing.
(13) Maslow, A. H. (1943): e eory of Human Motivation. Psy- chology Review, 50, S. 370-396.
(14) Minjina, B. (2015): e Use of Evidence from a Behavioral Science in the Organizational Decision-Making Prozess. Ma- nagement Daynamics in Knowledge Economy, Bd. 3 (3), S. 381-408.
(15) Pfe er, J. und Sutton, R. (im Druck): Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense: Pro ting from evidence-based management. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
(16) Pfe er, J. und Sutton, R. (2000): e Knowing-doing Gap, Bos- ton, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
(17) Pfe er, J. (2007): Human Resource from an Organizational Behavior Perspective: Some Paradoxes Explained. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Bd. 21 ( 4), S. 115-134.
(18) Porter, L. W. und McKibbin, L. E. (1988): Management educa- tion and development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
(19) Potworowski, G. und Green, L. A. (2012): Culture and evi- dence-based management: Companies, classroom, and re- search. New York: Oxford University Press.
(20) Rynes, S. L.; Brown, K. G. und Colbert, A. E. (2002): Seven common misconceptions about human resource practices: Re- search ndings versus practitioner beliefs. Academy of Ma- nagement Executive, Bd.16 ( 3), S. 92-103.
(21) Rousseau, D. M. (2006): Is there such a thing as „evidence- based management“? Academy of Management Review, Bd. 31 ( 2), S. 256-269.
(22) Rousseau, D. M. und McCartney, S. (2007a): Educating Ma- nager From an Evidence-based Perspective. Academy of Ma- nagement Learning & Education, Bd. 6 ( 1), S. 84-101.
(23) Rousseau, D. M. (2007b): A sticky, leveraging and scalable strategy for high-quality connections between organizational practice and science. Academy of Management Journal, Bd. 50 ( 5), S. 1037-1042.
(24) Rousseau, D. M. und Barens, E. (2011): HRM in the 21st Cen- tury: Becoming an evidence-based HR practitioner. Human Resource Management Journal, Bd. 21 ( 3), S. 221-235.
(25) Rynes, S. L., Brown, K. G. und Colbert, A. E. (2002a): Seven common misconceptions about human resource practices: Re- search ndings versus practioner beliefs. Academy of Manage- ment Executive, Bd. 16 ( 3), S. 92-103.
(26) Rynes, S. L., Colbert, A. E. und Brown, K. G. (2002b): HR professionals beliefs about e ective human resource practices: Correspondence between research and practice. Human Re- source Management, Bd. 41 ( 2), S. 149-174.
(27) Rynes, S. L.; Giluk, T. L. und Brown, K. G. (2007): e very se- parate worlds of academic and practitioner periodicals in hu- man resource management: Implications for evidence-based management. Academy of Management Journal, Bd. 50 (5), S. 987-1008.
(28) Sanders, K.; van Riemsdijk, M. und Groen, B. (2008): e gap between research and practice: a replication study on the HR professionals beliefs about e ective human resource practices. e International Journal of Human Resource Management, Bd.19 (10), S. 1976-1988.
(29) Schmidt, F. L.; Hunter, J. E.; McKenzie, R. C. und Muldrow, T. W. (1979): e impact of valid selection procedures on work- force productivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, Bd. 64 (6), S. 609-626.
(30) Schneider, B. und Brown, D. E (1995): Winning the Service Game, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
(31) Semmelweis, I. P. (1861): Die Aetiologie, der Begri und die Prophylaxis des Kindbett ebers. Pest: C.A., Hartleben.
(32) Schuler, H. und Kanning, U. P. (Hrsg.) (2014): Lehrbuch der Personalpsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
(33) Terpstra, D. E. und Rozell, E. J. (1993): e relationship of staf- ng practices to organizational level measures of performance. Personnel Psychology, Bd. 46 (1), S. 27-48.
(34) Terpstra, D. E.; Mohammed, A. A. und Rozell, E. J. (1996): A model of human resource information practice choice and organizational outcomes. Human Resource Management Re- view, 6, S. 25-46.
(35) Terpstra, D. E. und Rozell, E. J. (1997): Sources of human re- source information and the link to organizational pro tability. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Bd. 33 (1), S. 66-83.
(36) Terpstra, D. E.; Limpaphaymon, W. (2012): Using Evidence- Based Human Resource Practices for Global Competitiven- ess. International Journal of Business and Management, Bd. 7 (12), S. 107-113.
(37) omas, G. und Pring, R. (2004): Evidence-based practice in education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
(38) Tran eld, D; Denyer, D.; Smart, P. (2003): Toward a metho- dology for developing evidence-informed management know- ledge by means of systematic review. British Academy of Ma- nagement, Bd. 14 ( 3), S. 207-222.
(39) Wahba, M. A. und Bridgwell, l. G. (1976): Maslow Reconsi- dered: A Review of Research on the Need Hierarchy eory, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Bd.15 ( 2) S. 212-240.
(40) Zacharatos, A. und Barlings, J. (2004): High Performance Work Systems and Occupational Safety. e Psychology of Workplace-Safety. Washington DC: American Psychology As- sociation.